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A Bit About Me

I am a writer. A mother. A tenacious optimist. I believe that creating is a part of our DNA as image-bearers, and that truth-telling has capacity for social change in both fiction and nonfiction. 

Like the prophets, I cannot seem to keep quiet about the beauty and disaster I see in the world. You can find me co-laboring towards racial reconciliation online, unearthing scriptural truth in fiction, and chronicling both redemption and trauma in my personal essays.

Grass Close Up

In my creative work, as in my life, the guiding question I have received from the Lord is this:

Is it redemptive?

Is this expression of my faith restoring those who receive it?

Does it point to His character?


I grew up surrounded by storytellers, and when I needed a bit of peace and quiet, I would retreat into a book. Writing fiction has been a lifelong dream, and after sending out a wobbly first attempt at a novel, I was welcomed into the low-residency MFA program at Pacific University in Oregon, which I completed in January 2022.

Here, my stories became rooted in memories of growing up in the rural Midwest. I am currently writing a literary fiction novel in stories, tentatively titled Rural Route One. You can read a few of my short stories below.

Image by Owen Rupp


There is something powerful about telling the truth in this present moment. Through personal essay and online articles, I explore topics like trauma, motherhood, marriage, and faith. In addition to writing on my personal blog, I have the privilege of being a contributing writer at Coffee+Crumbs and MommaTheologians.

There is nothing more satisfying to me than rendering a moment of lived experience into written words, and there is nothing more meaningful than when someone reads those words and finds they are not alone.



Threaded is a Gospel-based racial reconciliation, unity and community engagement organization that partners with those seeking to expand their work in and understanding of racial issues.

As a volunteer host for their monthly Q&A's on YouTube, I get the chance to literally pass the mic, elevating the wisdom of the Threaded leadership team and connecting our community.

Image by Juja Han


Exhale Creativity is an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, for the enrichment of both experiences.

As a co-host for the monthly podcast, I interview other creative mamas and dig into the hows and whys of creating in the midst of motherhood.

© 2022 By Adrienne Garrison

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